November 14, 2008

Very powerful stuff

Do you have plan? do you like plans. I think that we all awesome sort of plan in our lives whether its for work or for our personal life. the plans that people have vary from person to person. Did you have a plan that didn't go as "planned", or was it just a detour that took you away from your plan. ever since i graduated high school i felt like i have had a plan. i had a plan for my job, i had a plan for my relationships. i now know that a plan is only a guideline in life and it only guides you along the way. i had a plan for everything. lets fast forward did any of my plans workout? absolutely some had a detour and some happened a little earlier than i had planned. My "tentative" plan was to go to college find a job get married buy a house and than have a family. My plan actually happened that way but the way that it happened did not go directly by the book. i have learned that plans and guidelines can lead you to some great times and it can also lead you to some not so good times. I know that i really have no control over the plan of my life. Ultimately God has control and he will show me my plan soon enough. i know that i have to trust in god in all my endeavors because my decisions affect how good he will actually make my plan and how quckly that plan will be granted.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm glad I made it into your plan. No matter where the road ends up, I am a lucky girl to be yours!