November 26, 2008

ARK (act of random kindness)

I woke up this morning after driving after being up all night driving to ohio and I was thinking why do we perform random acts of kindness. I was thinking about this because we drove someone home that lives in ohio back to her house and we didnt even think twice about it. It was amandas boss whom i never met and amanda barely know except for work stuff. i can personally say that i know her alot more than amanda does know. it also helps that when i drive 9 hours that someone is there to talk to you for the whole 9 hours. is it really random or do we think about what we are going to act on. are you going to THINK about buying somebody behind you a 4$ cup coffee or will you just give them the paper when you are done reading it. to me ARK is one of those things that you cant really think about. we are wired way to confusely to think about such a simple thing. if we think about performing an ark than its not really random. So know for this holiday season i challenge you to buy someone behind you a cup of coffee without telling them or filling up your wifes gas tank with no pun intended or even buy lunch for a stranger. if we all did a little bit more the world would be a better place. happy thanksgiving and safe travels.

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