November 08, 2008

Chestnuts Roasting?

Well it's the holiday season once again. its the time where traditions go far spirits are high and everyone is happy. What is your favorite part of the holiday seasons. what is your least favorite part? My least favorite part of the holidays is when retail stores start putting up Christmas decorations on the 1st of November. Now i love being in the holiday spirit but this is getting ridiculous to the point where we don't even decorate for thanksgiving its just kind of an after thought. i remember when stores didn't decorate until after thanksgiving or that toys r us didn't send out the biggest toy book aver before thanksgiving day we got it two weeks ago. i think that its really sad when stores think about just money for the holidays instead of giving their customers a very homely experience. On another note my favorite part of the holidays are the traditions. What are some of your families traditions. Some of the traditions that we do are we have to go to a midnight service at a church, we also make a ginger bread house every year as well as read the book (original) the polar express, on Christmas eve we also open one gift a piece. The holidays are such a humbling time for me mentally because we can all put our differences aside and enjoy this time.

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