November 01, 2008


I don't have many fears in my life but the ones i do have are pretty serious. My first one is failure. i am afraid to fail so i work that much harder and take risks along the way so that nobody can call me a failure. The other thing i fear i GOD. this is a tough one. Amanda and i started a proverbs study and the first chapter talked about how we should fear god. and to fear god is the beginning of knowledge. so in my thought i know nothing until i understand how much power god actually holds over us. He holds all power over everybody. when we talk about fear you hear people say that there scared of spiders or small spaces but nobody ever says I'm scared of god. i think we need to really sit back and think about whats at stake here. God is in control and he has the power to do anything he wants and lead us in any direction, but he wants to save us so he gives us fear. fear is not a bad thing in this case. i never thought about it this way before.

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